Download Pulse Secure Mac Os X

  1. Download Pulse Secure Mac Os X 10.10

As of March 18, 2019, Duo Multi-Factor Authentication isrequiredto use the Pulse VPN service. For more information and to enroll in Duo, please visit:Multi-Factor Authentication


Article Overview. Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure Client for Windows. To configure your VPN client, Visit the Pulse Secure Client page in the UConn Software Catalog to choose the download that is appropriate for your OS. Review the article Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure Client for Windows.; Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure for Mac OS X. Installing Pulse Secure on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux Computers Installing Pulse Secure on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux Computers For most LSE staff, students and researchers, the standard remote access service should provide an off-campus route to all the files, email, standard applications and systems you need.

  • Refer to the supported OS list on the FAQ page.
  • Download the Pulse Secure client for MacOS here.
Download pulse secure desktop client mac os x edition


Open the package, click Continue, then Install.

Note: If you are having trouble finding the file after download, trying looking on your desktop or in the downloads folder located in the Dock.

Click Close once installation is completed.

Go to your Applications folder and click on the Pulse Secure icon to start.

Click the plus sign + to make a new connection.

Enter a name for the connection.
For Server URL, enter:
Click Add.

Click Connect on your newly created connection.

Read the VPN Pre Sign-in Notification and click Proceed.

Enter your VUnetID and ePassword when prompted for login credentials.

Enter your secondary password from Multi-factor Authentication.

While connected, you should see an icon in the status bar.

When you are ready to disconnect, go to the Pulse Secure window and click Disconnect.

Faculty, staff and students can establish a secure connection to the UConn network via the Pulse Secure client (a VPN software). The VPN provides an encrypted connection between your computer and the UConn network and allows you to access restricted resources.

Not all university services and systems require a VPN connection for access. You can log into and use many services, such as email, Core-CT, library resources, and OneDrive, off-campus without a VPN.

Article Overview

Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure Client for Windows

To configure your VPN client,

  1. Visit the Pulse Secure Client page in the UConn Software Catalog to choose the download that is appropriate for your OS.

  2. Review the article Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure Client for Windows.

Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure for Mac OS X

To configure your VPN client,

  1. Please visit the Pulse Secure Client page on the software site to choose the download that is appropriate for your OS.

  2. Review the article Installing Pulse Secure on Mac OS 10.13+.

Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure Client for iOS and Android Devices

The Pulse Secure Client app is also available for iOS and Android mobile operating systems. To configure your VPN client, download the application from the Google Play Store or Apple App Store.

Installing and Configuring Pulse Secure Client for Linux

To configure your VPN client.

  1. Please visit the Pulse Secure Client page on the software site to choose the download that is appropriate for your OS.

  2. Review the article Installing the Pulse Secure Client on Linux.
Pulse secure mac client


Pulse Secure VPN client software is compatible with a wide range of operating systems and configurations. It is available for Windows, Mac OSX, Android and iOS mobile devices. The software has been tested on the following platforms:

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Operating System

Browser Environment


Windows 10 Version 1903 10.0.18362.388

Windows 10 Redstone 5 Version 1809 (OS build 17763.437), Enterprise, 64 bit

Windows 10 Redstone 4 Version 1803 (OS build 17134.228)

Windows 8.1 Enterprise, 64 bit

Windows 7 SP1 Enterprise, 64 bit

Windows 2012

Edge Browser 44.18362.329.0

Internet Explorer 11.356.18362.0

Firefox ESR 68.9.0esrHow to download bluej on mac.

Chrome 77.0.3865.90

Windows 10 Version 1903 (OS build 10.0.18362.207) Professional, 64 bit

Windows 10 Enterprise, 32 bit

Windows 10 non-Enterprise, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 10 RedstoneWindows 10 Enterprise, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 8.1 non-Enterprise, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 8, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 8 Enterprise, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 8 Professional, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 7 Ultimate, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 7 Professional, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 7 Home Basic, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 7 Home Premium, 32 and 64 bit

Windows Embedded Standard 7, 32 and 64 bit

Windows 2008

Windows 2016

Edge browser44

Internet Explorer 11

Google Chrome 75

Mac OS X

macOS10.14, 64 bit

macOS 10.13, 64 bit

macOS 10.12, 32 bit and 64 bit

Safari 13.x, 12.x, 11.x,10.x, 9.x and 8.x
Mac OS XmacOS 10.15, 64 bitmacOS 10.11, 32 bit and 64 bitN/A

Download Pulse Secure Mac Os X 10.10

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