Download Free Stationery For Mac Mail


Apple added more than 30 e-mail stationery templates as part of Leopard, covering most major occasions and organized by category. These Mac stationery templates include birthday parties, baby announcements, and thank-you notes. To see your choices of stationery for your e-mail, click the Show Stationery button at the upper-right corner of the compose window to check out the possibilities. Clicking one gives you a preview of what your message will look like.

Although many stationery templates include pictures, Apple doesn’t expect you to use them in your mailings. These pictures serve as merely premade drop zones for adding your own pictures. Click the Photo Browser button at the upper-right corner of the New Message window and drag a picture from iPhoto, Aperture, or some other location into the picture placeholder on the template. Double-clicking this new photo lets you pan and zoom the image, letting you place the image just so.

You also don’t need to accept Apple’s wording in any of these templates either. Just single-click the area with text, and make the substitution.

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If you find a stationery pattern you really like, drag it into the Favorites area to build up a custom collection.

  1. Stationery and themes are a set of unified design elements and color schemes. They specify fonts, bullets, background color, horizontal lines, images, and other design elements that you want to include in outgoing email messages. Outlook includes a large selection of stationery. You can also design your own custom stationery.
  2. When Apple first introduced Leopard (Mac OS X vers. 10.5), one of the really neat features was the Stationery feature in the Mail application. They had supplied a number of professionally designed templates making it very easy to send out very cool emails.

Because Mail templates conform to HTML (the language of the Web), the people receiving your e-mail will be able to view the stationery you intended. It doesn’t matter if they’re on a PC or Mac. Mail also lets you use your own custom designs as templates.

Direct Mail has long been compatible with Apple Mail stationery (where it appears in the “Legacy” section of Direct Mail’s template chooser). However, Apple is removing Apple Mail stationery from macOS 10.14. This will not present a problem for most customers, since stationery is rarely used these days.

According to this article, Apple has removed the stationery from Apple Mail. Apple Mail Stationery Removed. According to the release notes for the macOS Mojave beta, Stationery, the HTML email feature that allowed users to choose from pre-built email templates, has been removed from the app.

If you do, however, still use Apple Mail stationery for your email campaigns, you can prepare by reading the instructions below.

What happens when Apple Mail stationery is removed from macOS 10.14?

Unless you take the steps outlined below, you will lose access to Apple Mail stationery once you upgrade your Mac to macOS 10.14. This means that when you view your message in Direct Mail, it may appear to be missing images (including background images).

Apple’s Mail app will no longer allow users to compose messages using stationery. Apple Mail users will still be able to receive and read email that was sent using stationery.

How do I know if I am using Apple Mail stationery?

In Direct Mail, you can find Apple Mail stationery in the template chooser under the 'Legacy Templates' section (which is hidden by default). Here are the names of the legacy Apple Mail stationery templates that will be going away:

  • Air Mail
  • Baby
  • Bamboo
  • Banners
  • Butterfly
  • Daisies
  • Dinner
  • Dinner Party
  • Doodles
  • Dots
  • Flower
  • Formal Invite
  • Fun
  • Get Well
  • Gift
  • Heart
  • Lunch
  • Maple Leaf
  • New Address
  • Party
  • Picnic
  • Postcard
  • Pssst
  • Sand Dollar
  • Save the Date
  • Sticky
  • Tack Board
  • Thank You
  • Trophy
  • Vacation
  • We've Moved

If you are using any of the above templates (and wish to continue doing so), please read the instructions below to preserve your access to these templates.

How can I preserve Apple Mail stationery?

The best and easiest thing to do is to upgrade to at least Direct Mail 5.3 before you upgrade to macOS 10.14.

Vlc for mac 10.4 download. If you upgrade to Direct Mail 5.3, it will automatically create a backup copy of Apple Mail stationery that will survive the upgrade to macOS 10.14 and which will be available to you in Direct Mail. After you upgrade to Direct Mail 5.3, you can proceed to upgrade your Mac to macOS 10.14.

Another option is to convert to templates any messages that you are currently using Apple Mail stationery with. Here's how:

  1. In the Messages tab, select your message
  2. Choose 'Message > Create Template from Message' from the menu bar at the top of your screen

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This will turn the currently selected message into a template that will work properly even after upgrading to macOS 10.14. The template will appear in Direct Mail’s template chooser.

Free Stationery For Email

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