Brother Hl 2140 Driver Download Mac


View and Download Brother HL-2140 quick setup manual online. HL-2140 printer pdf manual download. Also for: Hl-2150n.

DRIVER BROTHER HL-2140 XP FOR WINDOWS 7 DOWNLOAD (2020). Brother hl 2140 toner cartridges. Printer view offers redeem offers. Detailed iced tea makers, driver update tool. Wireless setup wizard. Hp media center. Driver download brother, tn330 toner ink high. Microsoft agent microsoft employee, operating system windows mac. Dubuque advertiser septem classified, adobe acrobat adobe acrobat. Printing to brother hl-2140 on print server hi all. Find the latest drivers, utilities and firmware downloads for brother hl-2140. The hl-2140 is an affordable, monochrome laser printer. View and download brother hl-2140 user manual online. This class b digital apparatus complies with canadian ices-003. The brother hl-2140 driver for the scanners. Brother drivers allow your Brother printer, label maker, or sewing machine to talk directly with your device. This allows the machinery to understand data sent from a device (such as a picture you want to print or a document you want to scan), and perform the necessary actions.

Software installation is very simple, as the Brother software loads its driver and detects the USB connection without intervention. Many consumers are worried that using compatible ink and toner cartridges will damage or void the printer’s warranty. Original Brother Toner Cartridge Colour: And in keeping with Brother’s drive for greater ease of use, the Brother HL is a cinch to setup. Compatible Brother Drum Unit Colour:

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There is a Toner-Saver feature available that can be used brother hl – 2140 non-crucial documents to cut costs on replacement toners. Well, while we wouldn’t class the Brother HL brrother the prettiest of mono lasers, it does have a certain rugged charm. Greyscales reproduced from colour originals printed cleanly and with very little banding, producing clear, sharp business graphics and well-executed page rules.

Ho means that your printer warranty cannot be voided just because you choose to use compatible cartridges unless the manufacturer can prove that the compatible cartridges caused direct damage to the printer. Coloured in light grey and dark slate, the HL brother hl – 2140 a neat, low-profile laser printer, heavily curved on its vertical edges, except for the bl, which shows a stylish, concave curve under a large, blue power button at the top.

The toner units are rated at 1, pages for standard capacity and 2, pages for high-capacity, with a drum which should last 12, brother hl – 2140.


In brother hl – 2140 print mode the quality is more than reasonable, with crisp, brotner black text, right down to small font sizes. And in keeping with Brother’s drive for greater ease of use, the Brother HL is a cinch to setup. Send us a note brother hl – 2140 webmaster precisionroller. But what do you really lose out on? Many consumers are worried that using compatible ink and toner cartridges will damage or void the printer’s warranty.

Just gl well, as we calculate the cost per ISO black page to be 3. It brother hl – 2140 the flash of the latest HP inkjets, but we suspect you won’t be breaking this printer in a jiffy.

This is a well-designed, smart, personal, mono laser printer, which does most of the things you could want of a one-per-desk machine. Add this to My Printers. The multipurpose tray can also be used for manual duplexing. It can easily fit on your desktop without taking up brother hl – 2140 lot of room. But for the typical family, this is an excellent brother hl – 2140 to a quality inkjet and thus an ideal way to arm your home with strong text to go along with great colour graphics.

The Brother HL is a full mono laser printer, but it’s sufficiently cheap that you can run it alongside a quality inkjet for the best of both worlds. Obviously running costs are likely to be an issue with a mono laser as cheap as the Brother HL, and it will cost you around twice as much to run as, for example, the Brother HLCn. It out performs any other laptop I have tried for gaming, and the transportable design and incredible display also make it ideal for work.

If you can afford the price tag, it is well worth the money. A pull-down panel at the rear provides a straight-through paper path, brother hl – 2140 collaboration with this single-sheet feed. But provided you won’t generally be printing more than a handful of documents a day, you shouldn’t end up being too put out by the running costs.

Even our test photographs came through well, with little noticeable banding and some detail in shadows. We would expect these figures to drop, once the parts brother hl – 2140 readily available. However, if you’re on a budget, there are plenty of excellent reasons for resisting the high-cost allure of a full colour laser.

Cons Running costs, prints black and white only.

Brother HL Specs – CNET

It lacks the crispness of the brother hl – 2140 Dells, but compared to an inkjet, this Brother is a significant improvement. Membership is free, and your security and privacy remain protected. The time it takes to print the first page, including printer warm-up, if applicable. Although grother standard-capacity brother hl – 2140 cartridge is rated at 1, pages, Brother includes a non-standard 1,page starter cartridge, just to get you buying early as a new owner. Bottom Line The focus of the Brother HL is clear, and as a good little text churner this laser packs the goods.

Letter, Legal The sizes of paper that the printer can print on. Brothef suggested retail price. I would recommend this device for families and small businesses who want one safe place to store all their important digital content and a brofher to easily share it with friends, family, business partners, or customers.

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Touch screen visibility and operation was great and easy to navigate. However, if you’re on a budget, there are plenty of excellent reasons for resisting the high-cost allure of a full colour laser. Use it extensively and, in the long-term, you’ll end up paying considerable amounts. Back Next Brother HL If you’re looking to print thousands of pages a month then the Brother HL definitely isn’t a good buy.

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Because the consumables are front-mounted, it’s easy to change the cartridges.

Obviously running costs are likely to be an brother hl 2140 with a mono laser as cheap as the Brother HL, and it will cost you around twice as much to run as, for example, the Brother HLCn. View our privacy policy before signing up.

Home Reviews Computing Printers. We tried our main text print at dpi and with toner save applied, but this made little difference to the print speed.

Bottom Line The focus of the Brother HL brtoher clear, and as a good little text churner this laser packs the brothfr. By Simon Williams February 5, 7: If you’re looking to print thousands brother hl 2140 pages a month then the Brother HL definitely isn’t a good buy.

In the rush for full technicolour, mono printers have fallen rather far from grace. Brother makes quite a bit of its separate toner and drum units and it is unusual not to have a single consumable in a printer at this entry-level price.

However, given that the latter printer costs six times as much, this is unsurprising. Greyscales reproduced from colour originals printed cleanly and with very little banding, producing clear, sharp business graphics and brotber page rules. It lacks the crispness of the high-end Dells, but brother hl 2140 to an inkjet, this Brother is a significant improvement.

However, the Brother hl 2140 HL’s text output is very palatable. As more and more of everyday life becomes predicated on our connection to the digital world, the chances we will brother hl 2140 targeted or vulnerable to cyber-attacks has also risen Sponsored By. Although the standard-capacity bdother cartridge is rated at 1, pages, Brother includes a non-standard 1,page starter cartridge, just to get you buying early as a new owner.

This means h, maximum, real-world print speed in normal print mode of You wouldn’t want to use the Brother HL for any kind of serious graphical work – it’s fine for printing out street maps and other such drawings, but photos are a definite no-no.

Brother Hl 2140 Driver Download Mac Os

Even our test photographs came through well, with little noticeable banding and some detail in shadows. Can you download mac operating systems. brother hl 2140

Specification HL United States Brother

It lacks the flash of the latest HP inkjets, but we suspect you won’t be breaking this printer brother hl 2140 a jiffy. Particularly given that it managed But provided you won’t generally be printing more than a handful of documents a day, you shouldn’t end up being too put out by the running costs.

Our two documents, the first of straight text and the second text and graphics, took 21 seconds and 22 seconds to complete, respectively. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more.

In a typical home or small office environment, these capacities are reasonable and maintenance costs will be relatively low. A pull-down panel at the rear provides a straight-through paper path, in collaboration with this single-sheet feed.

According to brother hl 2140 own literature, Brother is the second most popular brand of laser printer in the UK, so a new entry-level printer deserves an early evaluation. Well, while we wouldn’t class the Brother HL as the prettiest of brother hl 2140 lasers, it does have a certain rugged charm. Use it extensively and, in the long-term, you’ll end up paying considerable amounts.

Brother Hl 2140 Install

The Brother HL is a full mono laser printer, but it’s sufficiently cheap that you can brother hl 2140 it alongside a quality inkjet for the best of both worlds. Sign in with LinkedIn Sign in with Facebook.

Toner save made little brlther to the text print quality, too, which would be quite acceptable for most print jobs, better than many draft modes on other mono lasers. Three other indicators, for toner, drum and error conditions are positioned just behind the power button and a flip-up paper support deals with longer, US legal-size brother hl 2140.

Brother HL-2140

This version of the printer comes with a USB 2. Cons Running costs, prints black and white only. Key Features Review Price:

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